Colorado company releases wine for cats   

Cats can now enjoy a glass of wine with their owners thanks to Denver-based Company Apollo Peak.

The Non Alcoholic, beet based cat wine also contains cat nip and comes in two varieties, including "Pinot Meow" and "Moscato

A Colorado company is looking to help cat owners enjoy the experience of sharing a glass of wine with their pets.

The non-alcoholic, beet-based cat wine was developed specifically for cats by Denver-based Apollo Peak.

Cats can enjoy the company's products in two varieties, including the red "Pinot Meow" and white "Moscato."

While the lack of alcohol ensures that cats won't get "drunk" from drinking Apollo Peak's wine, the products do contain organic catnip, which can produce a kind of drunken reaction.

"Well, depending on how much they drink - the effects will vary,"

The company says. "When cats smell catnip they tend to get funny, move around and play a lot.
The exact opposite occurs when they ingest catnip.

They normally will become more "mellowed" out when they drink the wine so it might actually help for those restless nights."

Because it is made from natural ingredients, the wine is also safe for dogs, and humans, to drink.


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