Pranksters turn their kitchen into a swimming pool by filling entire room with water

The boys covered all the surfaces and appliances with plastic sheets before turning on the kitchen tap and letting the room fill up.
This is the hilarious moment that a group of friends decided to turn a kitchen into a swimming pool - by filling the entire room up with water.
Vladimir Vechnyy and his pals came up with the madcap idea at his ground floor flat in the city of Tver in western Russia's Tver Oblast region.
First they covered the floor and walls with plastic sheets which they glued together to create a waterproof seal.
Then they attached a foam tube to the kitchen tap, turned it on and waited for the room to fill with water.
The pranksters splash around in their makeshift pool
As soon as it was deep enough, they were splashing around in their makeshift pool, diving into the water and playing with rubber rings.
Then they laid down in the makeshift pool to enjoy beers and cigarettes which they balanced on floating tables.
They even used a plastic tray as a boat so their pet cat could join in the fun - although the moggy soon jumped out and made for dry land.
Vechnyy said: "It took us more than four hours to make the pool, and another three to fill it with water."
All the surfaces were covered with plastic sheets
He insisted that his cat did like the water but said it was "not so fond of the camera".
And when they had had enough of swimming, they simply lifted up a floorboard in the kitchen and let the water drain into the basement.