Cow Born With Human-like Head Proclaimed A God

Shocking results occur when your cow gives birth to a calf with a human-looking head.

Since cows are sacred to Hindus, a cow rearer rescues animal from butchers.

 The god calf’s mother became pregnant soon after her arrival. This resulted in the birth of the calf earlier this month.

Although born with four legs and the tail of a cow, the animal’s facial features were strange. 

Beneath a sloping forehead there were eyes, ears, and a nose that resembled those of a human. 

Unfortunately, the calf struggled to breathe, and died an hour later.

 Despite the animal’s short life, locals came to see the weird creature.

 Upon seeing the dead cow, many proclaimed the creature as relating to the the god of protection and one of the three main deities in Hinduism.

For the first few days after its death, the calf resided in a glass box, surrounded by garlands.

First, the calf was cremated. Now, the community is raising money to build a temple on the site.

While many in the community continue to proclaim the calf a god, not everyone is so sure.
