Top secret HUMAN TESTING in China to create SUPERHUMAN army in military revamp

CHINA’s mission to create an army of superhumans is expanding at a worryingly fast pace as the country rapidly invests in its controversial genetics research and development programme, a new study has revealed.
It has been revealed that over the last three years at least 86 people have undergone surgery to dramatically alter their genes in the communist state.None of the clinical trials have been formally published, adding to the secrecy of the genetic alteration programme, but the testing is said to have “improved” patients ability.

The developments have caused concern in the US with the country fearing the scientific experiment could give the Chinese the upper hand in any future war between the two world powers.
While China have been actively testing on humans since 2015, the US is only expected to start similar testing this year.
The NSF’s Science and Engineering Indicators 2018 report reveals that while the US remains the global leader biological research and development, “the US global share of science and technology activities is declining as other nations - especially China - continue to rise”.
The human testing in Asia’s powerhouse has so far largely focused on how to combat cancer, as 36 patients with kidney, lung, liver and throat cancers had their infected cells replaced successfully.
The communist state has massively increased its financing of genetic research and development since the year 2000.
President Xi Jinping unveiled a number of new military initiatives earlier this year, including plans for the “modernisation of the national defence and armed forced”.
In a report released by the Chinese Government, they announced that “the people’s armed forces will be transformed into world-class military by the mid-21st century.”