Weird! Chinese Man Lives Under Bridge for 10 Years to ‘Crack Lottery Code’

Wang Chengzhou used to work construction in Sichuan Province, but moved to Chongqing in after suffering a work-related injury. Instead of using the $50,000 yuan he had received as compensation from his former employer to start a new life, Wang spent it all on his obsession – cracking the lottery code. He cut off all communication with his family and settled under a bridge where he has been working hard on figuring out the algorithms behind the lottery. After 10 years of hard work, he claims to have finally cracked the secret to getting filthy rich overnight.
Chengzhou’s obsession with cracking the lottery code began during a drinking session. He saw the winning numbers and was convinced that there was a mathematical reasoning behind them.

Wang doesn’t seem bothered that he has been living under a bridge for 10 years, or the fact that he hasn’t had a stable job since he moved to Chongqing. To him, “work is not important”. In fact, he quit his most recent part-time job at China Post so he could focus more on figuring out the lottery algorithms. He claims it will all have been worth it when he finally becomes a millionaire.
When asked by a reporter why he doesn’t simply use the technique himself when playing the lottery, Chengzhou responded by saying that is it more important for him to publish his book series, and make money that way. He believes that he will make “hundreds of millions” once the books are released.