Weird! Indonesian Government to Start Selling… Tigers?

In order to own one of these majestic cats you must have one billion rupiah, or £67,000 just lying around, as well five square kilometers of land upon which to house the animal.
Despite opposition from several environmental groups who feel this is nothing more than an attempt by the Indonesian government to make money, government officials have stated that all of the tigers will be monitored regularly to ensure they are being treated properly. If they catch any mistreatment, the owners will be severely punished in the forms of fines or jail time.
Bustar Maitar, a forest campaigner by Greenpeace, stated, “It is an irresponsible move by the Indonesian government. Selling tigers is not the solution. The government must protect the animal’s habitat and stop palm oil plantations taking over. This move will just encourage poaching among locals at a time when poaching is on the rise because of the Year of the Tiger.”
A member of the Indonesian forest ministry said that the decision to sell tigers was prompted by several inquiries from wealthy individuals who sought to purchase one.