Weird! Suspected Drug Dealer Goes 34 Days Without Taking a Poo

Shocking as One suspected drug
dealer in Harlow, England has gone a record-breaking 34 days without passing
stools for fear of providing police with evidence after allegedly swallowing
drugs right before his arrest last month.
24-year-old Lamarr Chambers was
arrested on , after failing to stop his car when police put their lights
on. Officers claim that during the chase, the suspect was “moving his head
towards his hand and his hand towards his head as if he was eating something”,
but when he finally pulled over, Chambers casually told them that he had been
eating fried chicken.
According to reports, Police have
reason to believe that he actually swallowed crack cocaine and heroin that he
intended to sell, so they have been holding him in custody and waiting for him
to take a number two. But he simply refuses to do it.
Prosecutors claims that the
detained suspect has been deliberately limiting his food intake to prevent
bowel movement, but recent updates suggest that he has been eating up to eight
cereal bars per day, which he later swapped for fruits and vegetables, and even
some fish made by his mother. But after over a month in police custody, nature
still hasn’t taken its course.
Details from Chambers’ most recent
appearance before the Chelmsford Magistrates Court suggested that he may have
passed stools in the hospital, but Wilson clarified that no ‘faecal
matter’ had been collected and that police are still on #PooWatch.
At the beginning of this bizarre
case, the Police used the #PooWatch hashtag to keep reporters informed about
any developments, but 24 days into the suspect’s toilet strike, they just
stopped providing updates, informing media outlets that they will be making a
final announcement “when he does what he needs to do”.
Thanks to his capacity to prevent
bowel movement, Lamarr Chambers smashed through Britain’s old record for
most days spent in police custody, which stood at 23 days.