Weird! Tattoo addict inks EYEBALLS and inside of mouth in bid to cover whole body

A British man may be one of the most heavily tattooed
in the world after covering his entire body - and even impregnating his
eyeballs - with jet black ink.
Eli Ink, 27, is a tattoo artist from Brighton who views his body as a canvas
to exhibit his finest work on.Over 10 years he has tattooed almost every centimetre of his skin in layers of black ink and he has even put ink in his eyeballs.
Huge stretchers were implanted in his nose and lower lip to stretch them into unusual shapes as part of his body modification.

He said his tattoos and modifications are both seriously planned and sporadic, which he says is a reflection of his own personality.
And despite his appearance which some may view as extreme - and possibly unsettling - he is still a hit with the ladies and he is in a relationship with girlfriend Holly, another body-modification enthusiast.
Eli claims he was first drawn to tattoos as a child when his uncle came home from a holiday in Spain with a large tribal tattoo on his arm.
He said that he doesn't expect others to understand his extreme look and his transformation is only for him to appreciate.
And in his pursuit of his perfect aesthetic, Eli has even tattooed his eyeballs - a procedure he admits is risky which involves carefully injecting ink between two layers of the eye.
But despite the risks of injecting ink into his eyes, he said that body modification is a risk-taker's lifestyle and one he has embraced.
Eli was not always deep in the body modification scene but he was always into art and aesthetics and he previously had his own gardening company.
But his love of art and interest in body modification increased and he spent more time drawing and painting before he took the plunge and became a full time tattoo artist.
Eli belongs to a sub culture within body modification called Modern Primitives which reference primitive cultures through body modifications.
The body modification scene is forever expanding its knowledge and growth, Eli said and the artist is contantly expanding his skill base too.
He is currently studying ear lobe reconstruction, tattooing, ear pointing and scarification.