Weird! Taiwanese Man Divorces Wife Because She Only Bathed Once a Year

The unnamed plaintiff said that Lin’s hygiene was questionable at the time they were dating when she bathed weekly, but that her behavior worsened after their wedding. Her weekly showers became monthly showers, then biannual, and when she started bathing only once a year, he just couldn’t take it anymore. The man said that due to Lin’s unsanitary habits they only had sex once a year, which prevented the couple from producing any children in their decade-long marriage.
Both the plaintiff and Lin are unemployed, with the former claiming that she had dissuaded him from working, convincing him instead to stay home and care for his elderly father-in-law.
The court supported the plaintiff’s case, stating that the couple was at odds over work, family chores, and hygiene and that after a two-year separation it was evident that the marriage was not going to work.
The judge granted the divorce, but Lin can still appeal the ruling.